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HomeLegal InsightAppointmentsClarke Wilmott LLP announce new partner in corporate and commercial team

Clarke Wilmott LLP announce new partner in corporate and commercial team

Clarke Willmott LLP, a national law firm, has revealed its appointment of new partner Sarah Coe in its commercial and corporate group.

Sarah, who joins the firm’s Bristol and London offices, specialises in commercial, intellectual property (IP), and technology law. She offers transactional support to its corporate team nationally in those areas. 

Her work covers the full range of contractual and e-commerce issues relevant to businesses seeking to enter new markets, exploit innovation in their existing product lines or develop new technology.   

“We are delighted to have Sarah on board,” said Simon Thomas, managing director of Clarke Willmott’s commercial division. 

 “Sarah has a strong City-based private practice background as well as extensive experience delivering specialist legal and strategic advice to general counsels and management in-house. 

“Her appointment at the end of last year brings additional expertise and experience to our growing commercial team and there are more appointments in the pipeline. We have already been introducing Sarah to our clients with a very positive response.” 

Qualified in England and Wales and New Zealand, Sarah joins Clarke Willmott from Norton Rose Fulbright’s London office where she worked on commercial, IP and tech-based agreements and provided transactional support on large deals for their corporate teams. 

She brings experience specialising in advising software, FinTech and platform developers on the full range of applicable licensing and contractual business documentation required for a business set-up. She also has specific experience in advising entrepreneurial start-ups and enjoys working on educational and tech-based initiatives. 

 Clarke Willmott LLP is a national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, and Taunton.  

For further information visit www.clarkewillmott.com  

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