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HomeLegal InsightAppointmentsONTIER LLP Hires Litigation Partner for London Office

ONTIER LLP Hires Litigation Partner for London Office

ONTIER LLP is delighted to announce that James Dixon has joined the firm as a partner in the London office.

James is well known to ONTIER’s London office, having previously been a partner in its sister office in the British Virgin Islands. James now joins ONTIER LLP from Priestleys in the Cayman Islands where he advised on commercial disputes and insolvency.  He first qualified in London with Fladgate LLP before developing his career offshore in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands from 2011 to present.

At ONTIER, James will represent companies and high-net-worth individuals in a range of multi-jurisdictional disputes, working alongside Amy Harvey and Aoife Keane, both recent highly-rated additions to ONTIER’s rapidly expanding Partnership in London.

James has a history of acting for clients on a range of commercial, international litigation, including shareholder disputes and fund disputes. He has also acted for companies, shareholders and insolvency practitioners in cross-border insolvency litigation and arbitration. His previous BVI firm acted as BVI Special Counsel to the Trustee of Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC and the Estate of Bernard Madoff in connection with Madoff’s multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.

Derek Stinson, Managing Partner of ONTIER LLP’s London office, comments:

“We are delighted to welcome James to our growing partnership in London. His in-depth international experience will neatly augment our existing expertise and provide additional strategic support for our clients involved in cross-border disputes.”

James Dixon, Partner, said of his appointment:

“I’m excited to join the creative and energetic team at ONTIER as it continues its growth trajectory in London. The firm clearly has an enviable client roster that belies its current size in the London market.  I look forward to playing my part in augmenting ONTIER’s existing client advisory service whilst working with the firm’s overseas partners to expand our dispute resolution offering to new international clients.”

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