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HomeLegal InsightAppointmentsWright Hassall announces eight promotions to kick-start new year

Wright Hassall announces eight promotions to kick-start new year

In the Midlands, a leading law firm has revealed eight promotions across the business, including promoting two new partners.

Wright Hassall, which is top ranked in both the Legal 500 and Chambers UK, has promoted both Freya Summers (Corporate) and Perveen Dhami (Property Litigation) to Partner with Parveen also becoming Head of Property Litigation

Two new Senior Associates have also been hired, including Rachael Flanagan (Medical Negligence and Serious Injury) and Rees Herrod (Corporate).

Elsewhere, Kash Dosanjh (Employment) has been promoted to Associate, Wendy Eaves (Private Client) to Senior Probate Executive, Claire Davies (Conveyancing) to Senior Paralegal, and Shannon Lea-Belgrave (Business Immigration) to Senior Paralegal.

Phil Wilding, Managing Partner at Wright Hassall, which is headquartered at Olympus House in Leamington Spa, said: “This is fantastic news to kick-start the new year.

“We have always been committed to investing in the personal and professional development of our people, so I am delighted to see so many rewarded for their outstanding work over the past year and beyond.

“I would like to congratulate all of our newly-promoted colleagues and look forward to seeing them prosper in their new roles.”

Wright Hassall was established in 1846 and employs more than 245 people, including almost 40 partners.

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