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HomeLegal InsightLegal advice centres pilot in talks for Manchester and Middlesborough

Legal advice centres pilot in talks for Manchester and Middlesborough

Legal advice centres could be piloted in Manchester and Middlesborough, a justice minister has revealed.

In a Lords debate, Lord Wolfson of Tredegar, declared that preparation work had already begun but he did rule out a return of ‘pre-LASPO’ legal aid.

It was in 2019 that the MOJ said it would pilot legal aid for early advice in social welfare law as part of its Legal Support Plan.

Legislation was laid on last month to pilot provision of early legal advice for debt, housing and welfare benefit matters, which will commence later this year.

The justice minister revealed that his department is looking at putting legal advice centres in hospitals.

Lord Wolfson said: ‘We are looking at putting legal advice centres in hospitals, because we know that people who have legal problems often have other social welfare problems as well. It is often the case that you cannot resolve all your problems through the law; you need a holistic approach.”

Yesterday’s debate also heard calls for the government to restore legal aid funding.

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