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HomeLegal NewsOver £750,000 secured for cyclist injured by negligent driver

Over £750,000 secured for cyclist injured by negligent driver

Ellisons Solicitors has helped a seriously-injured cyclist recover more than £750,000 in compensation following a devastating road crash in Essex.

The individual, who is also from Essex, had their “life turned upside down” in 2017 when a driver failed to give way and pulled out into the cyclist’s path. As a result of the collision, the cyclist came off their bike and landed some distance from the vehicle, with their head and arm taking the force of the impact.

Fortunately, the cyclist was wearing a cycle helmet. But they still suffered a mild traumatic brain injury and serious injuries to their arm and leg, requiring surgical intervention and years of treatment.

During the five-year case, Ellisons Solicitors was able to secure interim payments to fund private rehabilitative treatment from a range of therapists and to support the Claimant with their financial difficulties.

Stevan Stratton, Head of Department for Ellisons’ Claimant Personal Injury team said:

“The claimant’s life was turned upside down by this accident and, despite the driver clearly being at fault, they denied liability and the driver’s insurer consequently refused to co-operate for years. Therefore, whilst the claimant showed enormous strength of character, it was crucial for them to have legal representation in helping them to apply for the interim payments needed and co-ordinate the treatment and medical investigations that they required.

“Before the accident, the claimant was in very good health. In addition to the significant physical injuries and restrictions and cognitive symptoms caused to the claimant by this collision, they also suffered with chronic pain and psychological difficulties, all of which made it extremely unlikely that they would be able to return to work.”

Mr Stratton continued: “The defendant driver denied liability and their insurer only admitted liability once we had commenced Court proceedings. Even then, an application to the Court had to be made in order to get the insurer to release an initial interim payment.”

Due to the severity and range of injuries suffered by the claimant, seven medical expert witnesses were instructed by each side as well as care experts, which enabled the parties to more accurately assess the claimant’s claim for damages.  Numerous witnesses were also involved.

Mr Stratton continued: “Following a Joint Settlement Meeting, and then further settlement discussions with the insurer’s solicitors, we were able to negotiate an overall settlement of just under £800,000 on behalf of the claimant, around six months before trial.

“As the Defendant fought this claim on various fronts for over five years, we can be almost certain that this is an outcome the claimant would not have been able to achieve had they not sought early expert legal advice.

“We also know that the conclusion of this case after so many years will hugely assist our client and their family in trying to move on from the trauma of this accident and we hope that they can now start looking forwards rather than back.”

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