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The Different Routes to Divorce

Getting a divorce isn’t an easy decision but the divorce rate in the UK is estimated at 42 per cent, with the average length of marriage for opposite-sex couples lasting just 11.9 years.

There are several different routes couples can take when getting a divorce and deciding which path to take can in itself be complicated. But, whether you’re separating amicably or with disputes, the emotional and financial toll of a divorce can be huge. So, it’s important to review your options carefully to find the best one for you.

Starting the process can be difficult, but understanding each different route can save you time, energy, and money in the long run. With certain legalities associated with married and unmarried couples, divorce and separation – it’s important to understand your rights.

From the standard two lawyer approach to DIY divorces, there’s a method best suited to your situation. We’ve delved deeper into the usual routes to divorce below.

The Collaborative Divorce Approach

This approach is the most common when it comes to getting a divorce. Each party will hire their own solicitor and a four-way meeting will take place with both lawyers present to come to an agreement in a court order face-to-face. This is typically the go-to option when there are disputes, and the process can often end in court.

The upside of the collaborative process is that it can be significantly less expensive than other methods. It can also be more successful in the long term, as both parties are more likely to adhere to the court-agreed resolutions. However, there is the likelihood that you’ll have to attend court as it is not guaranteed the other party will be respectful, honest, or fair during the meetings.


When a couple is willing to work through their differences together, mediation is an ideal option. A neutral third party is allocated to help you reach a decision regarding property, money, or children without taking sides.

Often, problems are best solved when both parties talk, and a mediator will help you identify issues you can’t agree on and move towards a resolution. Mediation will typically occur over several sessions together, but you can contact your lawyer at any time to get legal advice on what is best for you.

DIY Divorce 

This involves you and your ex-partner going through the divorce process with limited or no help from a lawyer. For couples keen to divorce cheaply and quickly, DIY divorce may seem like an attractive solution, but it presents more issues in the long run.

DIY divorces are on the rise, but you’ll still need to pay the £593 fee for a divorce, alongside any other financial claims your ex-spouse makes against you. You’ll also need to consider child support payments and the cost of moving to a new home if it applies to your situation.

If you are going through a DIY divorce, it is essential to get some legal advice beforehand to ensure you both fully understand the legal consequences. By starting an online divorce, you’ll receive expert support from professional family solicitors, who will be on hand to assist with all things divorce, finances and child arrangements.

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