3.2 C


Thomson Snell & Passmore counsels US based, Private Equity backed Uptime Institute Holdings LLC on its acquisition of UK based Academia Group Limited

A provider of digital infrastructure training programmes and related services, Academia Group Limited, has been acquired by the Uptime Institute, backed by the New York private equity firm Dominus Capital. South East Law firm Thomson Snell & Passmore advised Uptime Institute on the deal. The...

WFW counsel Northleaf and Qualitas Energy on PPA for 494 MW Spanish PV plant

Watson Farley & Williams supported Northleaf Capital Partners (“Northleaf”) and Qualitas Energy, on the negotiation and execution of a long-term power purchase agreement (“PPA”) regarding their 493.92 MW photovoltaic (“PV”) plant situated in the municipality of Mula in Murcia in South East Spain. Long-standing WFW client...