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NALP appointed an ‘End Point Assessment Organisation for the Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship Standard’

NALP (The National Association of Licensed Paralegals) has been appointed an ‘End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) for the Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship Standard’ (ref: ST0245)

Apprenticeships provide an excellent opportunity for individuals who want to work in or around the legal sector, allowing them to study and gain valuable experience at the same time.

The Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship Standard is the foundation for such individuals, giving them the skills and knowledge to be able to go on to higher qualifications and become a professional paralegal.

“NALP becoming an EPAO for apprenticeship helps to solidify its position in the legal qualifications sector and has meant that we have been able to influence the content of the apprenticeship standard itself.” Said NALP’s CEO Jane Robson.

“NALP is the longest established and foremost professional membership body for paralegals in the UK and the only one that offers fully recognised and regulated qualifications designed specifically for paralegals. Being an EPAO for the Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship Standard means that we can be fully involved in ensuring that tomorrow’s paralegals have the best foundation of knowledge and skills possible, which is good for all of our members and the profession itself.”

NALP will start delivering end point assessment in the spring/summer of 2023. The reason for the delay is because the Standard is currently under review and the new Standard is likely to be in place by that time.

NALP’s CEO, Jane Robson, has been heavily involved in the review of this Standard and says:

“The Level 3 Paralegal Standard has had a number of issues since its inception. NALP has worked closely with the Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE), the ESFA, plus other stakeholders, including providers and employers, to improve the Standard and make it more suitable for today’s paralegal apprentices.

“The new standard will have a more ‘real life’ slant to the end point assessment methods being used and is far more detailed in terms of the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) being assessed. The Trail-Blazer Group set up to review this Standard is hopeful that the final version of the new standard will be agreed and ready for apprentices to enter the EPA Gateways to take the new assessment by Q3 2023.”

You can find NALP on the list of EPAO’s (End Point Assessment Organisations) on the Government website: https://find-epao.apprenticeships.education.gov.uk/courses/42/assessment-organisations

For those who would like to get an indication of what the new standard will look like, please see the consultation document that was published back in October here: https://damartraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Public-Consultation-Document-Paralegal-level-3-standard.pdf

Whilst the consultation is now closed, the main proposal for the new Standard is broadly the same and so is a useful indication for training providers and employers about what is coming.

There is a new consultation out at the moment that looks at the use of mandatory qualifications in apprenticeships: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/about/newshub/news-events/have-your-say-on-how-qualifications-work-within-apprenticeships/




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