Submit Your Story

If you have legal news you’d like to see published, our news desk would love to hear from you. Please note that all contributions and submissions must be made via email in order to be considered.

In your email, please include your press release along with 1-2 images and your contact details for further information we may need before publishing your story.

Please familiarise yourself with the content we publish, we are strictly legal news – this could include news from all categories of the legal sector, new appointments, new client wins, legislative and regulatory news.

All submissions must be unique (i.e. not found elsewhere online).

We welcome expert opinion pieces and feature articles with a minimum of 600 words, please include an author bio and photograph with these submissions.

Please note that we reserve the right to refrain from publishing due to unsuitability, or make minor amendments to the article if required.

Submit your story via email to: